by Adam | Dec 23, 2014 | Blog |
I appreciated this class greatly. It took my head out of what was on the screen, and brought it out in front of the screen, and into the space that the screen occupies. Instead of mearly considering how the viewer considers the content of the screen, I was able to...
by Adam | Dec 23, 2014 | Blog, Reaction to Legalism (RtL) |
After spending a lot of time considering the video of the users of Reaction to Legalism, I was able to figure out some patterns of behavior. Some that reinforced the project’s intent, and some that were distractions. This lead me to correct some deficiencies...
by Adam | Dec 9, 2014 | Blog, Reaction to Legalism (RtL) |
Reaction to Legalism had a little problem when first installed. The artifact would deliver a false read to the MaKey MaKey. This is why in the final video, you see me sitting there, as I’m manually triggering the project. After researching, I’ve...
by Adam | Nov 11, 2014 | Blog |
…as the driven snow. Pure Data. Taught courtesy of Jesse Mejía.
by Adam | Oct 30, 2014 | Blog, Reaction to Legalism (RtL) |
User Implication Device (UID):
by Adam | Oct 26, 2014 | Blog, Reaction to Legalism (RtL) |
I’ve wrangled Isadora into doing what I want. When there are no people detected (using blob counting), then the project is in a dormant state. Once a two people (blobs) have been detected, the “Ples” video plays and an UnPlesCounter (UPC) starts...